Kruskal's Runtime

  • Explain how to implement Kruskal's algorithm efficiently using a union-find structure to detect cycles. Identify the resulting time complexity.

How to get the next min-weight edge?

Keep edged in a (min-heap) priority queue.

How to check if adding edge (v-w) creates a cycle?

Use Union-Find to help in checking/preventing cycle

Exercise Complete the following table:

OperationFrequencyCost per operation
build PQ
extract min
OperationFrequencyCost per operation
build PQ$1$$\Omicron(M)$
extract min$\Omicron(M)$$\Omicron(\lg M)$
union$\Omicron(N)$$\Omicron(\lg^* N)$
connected$\Omicron(M)$$\Omicron(\lg^* N)$