Ask Question

We love to help! You are welcome and encouraged to ask questions in class, during office hours, or on the discussion board. When it comes to the discussion board, I want to encourage you to ask questions publicly (unless it gives away something about a homework solution) and answer each other's questions.

When you post a question on the discussion board, please put yourself in readers' shoes and provide sufficient information so they can best help you. For example, if you are asking about something posted on the lecture notes, please screenshot the section and put a link to it. Likewise, if you are referring to your submission on Gradescope in your question, it is best to include a link to it.

By the way, when you do have a question about topics covered in this course, I suggest that you first try to look it up on your own because that way you are taking charge and actively seeking knowledge and information. This "active" approach is the best way to learning. There's a wealth of online content: There's always a StackOverflow post, a Quora answer, a YouTube tutorial, or blog explanation that will make the material-at-hand clear. You would be surprised to know how much Googling is a part of a programmer's job!

Our Head-CA, James, has crafted this wonderful document on How to ask a good question for the students joining the software projects we are working on together. I thought to share it with you here in case you find it helpful.