IntelliJ IDEA

We will be using a modern IDE, JetBrain's IntelliJ IDEA (henceforth IntelliJ) in this course.

IntelliJ has a free community edition and a proprietary version that requires purchasing a license, the Ultimate Edition. For this course, either version is good, but you may as well get the ultimate edition because, as a student, you will get it for free!

You can create a "student account" (with a .edu email) to get a license to use the "Ultimate Edition." Click here to apply for student license.

Download and install IntelliJ (Version: 2020.3) by following the instructions here. I recommend Install using the Toolbox App. When installing, accept all the default settings.

Refer to this link for a rundown of what you will see when you run IntelliJ for the first time.

IntelliJ Plugins

IntelliJ Plugins extend the functionality of the IDE. The general process to manage and install plugins are described here.

Please install the following plugins:

After installing the plugins, restart the IDE.