Gradescope Submission

When you submit, please wait for confirmation that your submission went through and compiled. If it doesn't compile, we won't be able to give you extra late days or go back to fix your submission just because you didn't check that it compiled.

If you see the AutoTest failed to execute your program, it does not mean it is broken; it means that your submission did not compile!

Here are some other considerations that could cause AutoTest issues:

  • Make sure you've zipped correctly at the correct level, and there are no extra folders.

  • Make sure you haven't changed any file names.

  • Make sure files are declared to be in the correct packages.

  • Make sure you haven't modified any of the provided files; we will be using the interface files we provide. So if you modify them, ours will overwrite any changes you make.

  • Make sure you haven't changed any public method names, class names, method signatures or scopes.

  • Make sure you don't call System.exit(). We are grading your code from our own Java code. So if you exit(), you're exiting our program that is grading yours, and the Autograder won't finish executing.

And here is the most common issue:

Make sure you don't have any import statements pointing to classes outside of the standard JDK.

This can happen when IntelliJ tries to outsmart you by importing classes on the fly; you will usually see these as unused import statements (greyed out import statements at the top of a file). Make sure to remove them before submission. You can easily do this in IntelliJ by going to the "Code" menu and selecting "Optimize Imports."