Heapsort: Putting it together!

  • Implement heapsort efficiently in Java.

Exercise Complete the implementation of HeapSort.sort so it builds the head from bottom up (Floyd's method) and then sorts the collection in-place.

private static void sort(Integer[] data) {
  // TODO Implement me

Note: Assume the following helper methods are correctly implemented:

private static void sink(Integer[] data, int index, int numNodes) {
  // percolate down data[index] to restore heap order
  // the percolation is bounded to go down no further than data[numNodes]

private static void swap(Integer[] data, int i, int j) {
  // swap values between data[i] and data[j]
private static void sort(Integer[] data) {
  // heapify
  for (int i = numNodes / 2; i >= 1; i--) {
    sink(data, i, numNodes);

  // sort
  for (int i = numNodes; i >= 1; i--) {
    swap(data, 1, numNodes--); // remove best
    sink(data, 1, numNodes); // restore order