Office hours

Instructor Office Hour

My office hour is on Wednesdays from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. My office is in Malone Hall, room 227. If this time does not work for you, please let me know and I will be happy to schedule an alternative time that works for both of us. We can schedule an in-person or Zoom meeting; whatever works for you!

Also, consider one of the many office hours offered by the course assistants. Moreover, you can use the discussion board to get help or to privately communicate with the course staff. If the issue requires my attention only, consider emailing me.

Course Assistants' Office Hours

Let me preface this by saying the dual-modality (online vs in-person) will be a challenge to manage office hours. Please work with us as we try to make the logistics work here!

We will have some in-person, some online (over Zoom), and some hybrid office hours! Here is the schedule of office hours.

  • All in-person and hybrid office hours will be held in the CS undergraduate lab at Malone Hall, room 122.

  • All online office hours (and the remote option for hybrid ones) will use this Zoom meeting.

  • If you see (Z) next to a name, it means they hold their office hour over Zoom only.

  • If you see (H) next to a name, it means they hold a hybrid office hour. That means you will find them at the designated time in Malone 122. They concurrently run a Zoom meeting for students to join remotely!

You need to book office hours!

  • Why? Please see this question with its answer in the FAQ section.

If you have not booked an office hour, you are still welcome to walk-in (Malone 122) or drop-in (Zoom). However, you will be helped after all the students who booked the time have been helped. Please yield the time to those who booked it.

We have two services: (regular) office hours and one-on-one debugging sessions.

  • You need to book (regular) office hours using this link.

  • If you want to book a 30-minutes one-on-one debugging session, please use this link, instead.

  • Office hours are divided into 30-minutes time slots.

  • We allow up to 3 students to book a (regular) 30-minutes time slot.

  • Please note one-on-one debugging sessions may be used up to three times in this term (see debugging tokens), and it is subject to availability.

  • When you book an appointment, you will receive a confirmation email. On your confirmation email, you will have the option to cancel or reschedule the appointment if you must.

We would really appreciate it if you cancel your booking when you don't intend to show up. If you cancel it, then another student will be able to book that time slot. Thanks!

  • You will also receive a reminder email an hour before your meeting.

  • You can book office hours up to two days in advance. (This constraint is enforced; you will only see office hours in advance of two days.)

  • We ask you not to book more than two slots on the same day. (This constraint is not enforced!)

  • The minimum lead time for booking and cancelation is one hour.

  • During an online office hour, you may be placed in a waiting or breakout room. Please join the meeting on time and wait for the teaching staff to assist you.

You can ask for help on any issues, including debugging, during regular office hours. However, the teaching staff will not spend about 10 minutes per student per time slot.

  • If you need hints on issues we typically don't offer hints (such as test cases on auto-test), you need to spend your clue tokens.