Binary Decision Tree: Analysis
- Justify $\Omega(\lg n)$ is the lower bound for comparison-based searching algorithms.
Here is the schematic representation of a binary decision tree.

Notice the followings:
The decision tree is a binary tree (the answer to the comparison operation is either "yes" or "no").
Internal nodes are binary decisions (corresponding to comparisons).
External nodes (leaves) are resulting outputs (answers).
An execution of the algorithm corresponds to a path from the root to a leaf.
The length of such an execution path is the running time of the algorithm for the case of the input that led to that execution.
The height of the tree is the worst case running time of the algorithm (i.e. the longest execution path).
Since the decision tree is a binary tree, its height is at least $\lg N$ where $N$ is the number of nodes (which is not necessarily the same as e.g. the length of the input sequence). Therefore, the lower bound on any comparison-based algorithm modeled by this decision tree is $\Omega(\lg N)$.
But what is $N$?
For searching, $N$ is $\Omicron(n)$ where $n$ is the number of elements in the search space (size of the collection).
For lower bound analysis, we consider what is the most number of nodes we can pack in a binary tree of the minimum height. This is the case in a perfect binary tree. Recall: in such a binary tree with $m$ nodes, there are $\left \lceil m/2 \right \rceil$ leaves and $\left \lfloor m/2 \right \rfloor$ non-leaf nodes (internal nodes and a root).
In the decision tree corresponding to the comparison-based searching algorithm, the number of leaves is greater or equal to the number of possible answers which is greater or equal to $n$, the number of elements.
To check this claim, see the previous exercise, the number of possible outcomes is $4$, one per $a_i$ plus
So, if there are at least $n$ leaves, there are at least $2n$ nodes. The height of the tree, therefore, is at least $\lg (2n)$.
Therefore, the lower bound on any comparison-based searching algorithm is $\Omega(\lg n)$ where $n$ is the size of the search space. In other words, binary search is optimal!