Balance Factor
- Identify the height and balance factor of binary search tree nodes.
To assist in establishing balance property, we define the following measure:
Each node's balance factor is the height of the left subtree minus the height of the right subtree.
More specifically
bf(node) = height(node.left) – height(node.right)
For the calculation of balance factor, we define "height" as follows:
$$ \text{height}(n)=\left \{ \begin{matrix} -1 & n = \text{null} \\ 0 & n = \text{leaf} \\ 1 + \max(\text{height of children}) & n \neq \text{leaf} \end{matrix} \right \} $$
A BST is balanced when, for any node, its balance factor is $1$, $0$, or $-1$.
Here is an example

The above BST is not balanced because $\text{bf}(\{ 10, 5 \})\notin \{0, 1, -1 \}$.