
The course discussion board, Courselore, is the place for Q/A and announcements.

  • Please go to this invite link and sign up for an account.

  • Please use your JHU email and full name as it appears in SIS. If you use any email other than your JHU email to join the course, I will remove you from it!

  • Once signed up, you will receive a confirmation email!

  • The confirmation email very likely will end up in your spam/junk folder! Make sure to mark it as "not junk," and then click on the confirmation link!

  • Once your account is confirmed, click on "Enroll as Student."

  • Courselore is intuitive to use. However, it helps to know what features are available (there are many). For example, click on "Start a new Conversation" to ask a question.

  1. Select "Question" as the type.
  2. Toggle the visibility between "everyone" or "staff" (this is how you make a "private" post).
  3. Give a descriptive title to your post.
  4. Type your question. Markdown is enabled to format your post.
  5. Select a tag for this post.
  6. You can choose to post anonymously!
  7. Hit "Start Conversation" to post your question!